Captain Eudora Hearthstone Battleground Hero (Explanation, Strategy, Videos)

Editor’s Note: A nerf to Captain Eudora was announced on August 17th, 2020. This guide has not yet been updated to reflect that change.

What is Captain Eudora?

Captain Eudora is a hero players can select in the Battlegrounds mode of the game Hearthstone. In World of Warcraft, “Captain Eudora is the vulpera leader of the Bilge Rats, and serves as one of the bosses in the Council o’ Captains encounter.”

What is the hero power for Captain Eudora, and what is the strategy for using it?

Captain Eudora’s hero power is: Dig for a Golden minion! (4 digs left)

Captain Eudora’s hero power does not provide an immediate benefit as it requires 4 activations before triggering. However, the payoff is enough that you should be pressing the button–using your hero power–every turn. On the 4th activation, you will receive a golden minion from your current tier or lower. When played, the golden minion will then allow you to discover a minion from the tier immediately above yours.

As an example: If you are currently on Tier 4 when you complete your dig, you will receive one golden minion from Tiers 1-4, and then discover a regular minion from Tier 5.

One last important part of Eudora’s power: You can use it multiple times during the game. In most games you will get at least two uses if you use the power each turn. In some games you will get three uses, and rarely four.

General Strategy

With Captain Eudora, often the minions you receive from the hero power will guide your composition (comp). This works as turn 4-5 is exactly when you want to start pushing in one direction (albeit, that direction can always change later).

Keep in mind your power turns (and in particular if you are playing against this hero): Turn 4/5, Turn 8/9, and Turn 12/13.

Leveling Up Strategy with Captain Eudora

Normal Level Up Schedule

Turn Move
1 / 3 gold Buy a minion
2 / 4 gold Level Up
3 / 5 gold Varies, usually sell 1 minion and buy 2 (hopefully tier 2 or synergistic)
4 / 6 gold Buy two minions
5 / 7 gold Level Up, buy a minion

Note: I typically do not dig on turn 1, but many players choose to do so. If that is your strategy, then look for a good tier 1 minion to freeze and then dig. You can then follow the token-generator level up schedule below.

Eudora Level Up Schedule (without a turn 1 token generator)

Turn Move
1 / 3 gold Buy a minion
2 / 4 gold Dig!, buy a minion
3 / 5 gold Dig!, buy best (for your board so far) minon on two rolls
4 / 6 gold Dig!, buy a minion, level up
5 / 7 gold Dig!, buy minions

Eudora Level Up Schedule (without a turn 1 token generator)

Turn Move
1 / 3 gold Buy token generator, sell token, Dig!
2 / 4 gold Dig!, buy a minion
3 / 5 gold Dig!, buy best (for your board so far) minon on two rolls
4 / 6 gold Dig!, buy a minion, level up
5 / 7 gold Dig!, buy minions

Note: You may consider using this same approach if you get a Deck Swabbie. You can play the Swabbie, which will reduce your tavern cost by 1, and then sell it so you can dig. Reducing the tavern cost gives you the flexibility to adjust the turn schedule listed.

Gameplay Videos

Captain Eudora Tutorial Video from Slysssa

Gameplay Video from Brian Kibler

Gameplay Video from Savjz

Gameplay Video from Firebat

Further Reading

To Dig or Not to Dig from HSReplay

About Wesley Lyles 117 Articles
Wesley is a jack of all trades hobbyist. Though much of his spare time is spent playing board games (especially solo card games like Legendary), Hearthstone, Rocket League, and MLB The Show.e He also enjoys most sports, but pays way too much attention to baseball and football.