Get Your Hands Messy with These 3 Board Games with Play-Doh

With a five-year-old daughter who loves expressing her artistic creativity, Play-Doh is a common fixture in our house. My wife and I do our best to contain this specific form of artistic expression to a single place (kitchen table) under very specific parameters (multiple placemats to be used as a surface). Still, messes happen! And that’s ok–even if frustrating, sometimes, in the moment–because Play-Doh is lots of fun. So much fun that several companies have rolled out board games using the kid-friendly substance.


1. Dohdles

Dohdles is a re-make of the classic game Barbarossa. In Dohdles, players create objects from material resembling play-doh, and other players attempt to guess the name of the object. Points are scored based on whether players are able to accurately determine the object’s identity. Great party game!

Game Manufacturer: Kosmos
Game Designer: Klaus Teuber
Year Released:
# of Players:
Estimated Playing Time:
60 minutes
Availability:  Limited; available on Amazon and Walmart at marked-up prices | can purchase via Ebay at more reasonable prices

2. Play-Doh Monster Smash

The game’s premise is that monsters are invading the players’ houses to steal food. In this cooperative game, players must smash the monsters before they raid the refrigerator. The real fun, and where the clay comes in, is that you get to create the colorful monsters yourself. 


Game Manufacturer: Cardinal / Hasbro
Game Designer: n/a
Year Released:
# of Players:
Estimated Playing Time:
20 minutes
Availability:  Limited; available on Amazon and Walmart at marked-up prices | can purchase via Ebay at more reasonable prices

3. Play-Doh Launch Game

Use play-doh to create 10 marbles, and then use the game-provided catapults to launch the marbles into a can that opens and closes. 




Game Manufacturer: Hasbro
Game Designer: n/a
Year Released:
# of Players:
Estimated Playing Time:
20 minutes
Availability:  Limited; available on Amazon and Walmart at marked-up prices | can purchase via Ebay at more reasonable prices

About Wesley Lyles 117 Articles
Wesley is a jack of all trades hobbyist. Though much of his spare time is spent playing board games (especially solo card games like Legendary), Hearthstone, Rocket League, and MLB The Show.e He also enjoys most sports, but pays way too much attention to baseball and football.

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