Adam Warlock (Leadership)
Resource Cost: 3
Card Type: Ally
Resource Generated: Physical (1)
Card Sub-Type: Aerial. Mystic
Card Pack: Star-Lord (#11)
Card Text: Response: After Adam Warlock attacks or thwarts, discard 1 card at random from your hand. If that card’s printed resource has:

  • Physical – Remove 3 threat from a scheme
  • Energy – Heal 3 damage from an identity
  • Mental – Deal 3 damage to an enemy
  • Wild – Choose one of the above

General Information

The discard is random, but you can choose when to initiate an attack or thwart. If sequencing does not matter, you can play cards prior to performing an action and leave the desired resource type in your hand.

Other 3-Cost Leadership Allies

Rules Information

Response: Note that this is a response, and not a forced response. You are not required to take the action if prefer to not discard a card.

My Review

Adam WarlockAs long as you can reliably trigger the desired effect, four effective resources is not too bad for a repeatble 3 threat removal, recovery, or direct damage. Heroes/decks that focus on a specific resource type (e.g., Captain Marvel + energy) can provide a specific effect consistently (in the Captain Marvel example, Adam Warlock